GongYi Home of Hope

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Reaching Goals

This past month all 12 of our primary aged children had a big test for the semester. We tell the children we do not expect them to be the best in their class, but we do want them to try their best. Before their test, we had each child write down a goal that they thought they could achieve for both their Math and Chinese class.
Philip, Sarah (front right), Graham, Mark, Zoey,Ellie, and Emma (front left) all achieved their goals. We decided to take them out for an ice cream at the local fast food restaurant for a prize.

We keep our own grade reports for our children and are very pleased to say that 6 of our 12 primary school children are on the Honor Roll (80% or higher) and only 2 children are making less than 70%. This is a great improvement from last year; last year almost all of our children started the year off with very low grades and it took them almost the entire year to raise their grades above 70%.

Ellie(left) and Mark(right) enjoying their time at the restaurant.

Fish Time

Every month we welcome our children’s guardians to come and visit. This past visit when Eddy and Debbie’s grandparents came they wanted to give us 7 catfish.

Eddy(left) and our eldest son Jaxin(right) showing off one of the fish.

Jump Ropes

When Michelle’s parents came for a visit, they bought jump ropes for our children to play with. We did not know how much fun and how well our children could play with the jump ropes.
Debbie (above) is our best jumper; she jumped over 100 times.

Philip (front), Ben (middle) and Sarah (back) jumping together.

Story Time

We try to read our children a story before they go to bed every night. This allows us to be able to end each day with some fun family time and get a chance to teach the children some morals. Michelle’s parents wanted to join in the fun and read a couple of the nights they were with us.
Michelle’s parents reading the bed time story while David translates

We thank you for taking the time to read about our family. If you are interested in becoming more involved with our family you can give us an email at: ben@homeofhope.org or michelle@homeofhope.org
You can also learn more about our children by clicking the “Our Children” tab.
Thank you!