GongYi Home of Hope

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Weekend Fun 有趣的周末

Our weekends are usually very full and extremely busy. We live in a rural area and a lot of our kid’s classmates are from outside the city making it too hard for them to go home every night. Most of the schools here are boarding schools. We live with in 8 minutes of the all the schools making it easy for our kids to be able to come home each weekend. Because there are so many kids living at school their school schedules are very weird. Our middle school children go to school 10 days and then have off 4 days. Our primary school children go to school 6 days and have Sunday off, then the next week go for 4 days and have 3 days off.
DSC_0059We know that school here has so much pressure so we try to fill our weekends with lots of fun activities…but they have to finish their homework first. As you can see Emma doing above.我们知道在这里上学有很大的压力,所以我们想安排一些有趣的活动在周末、、、但是他们首先要完成学校布置的作业。你可以看到王子艺努力中。

Below are a few pictures of some of the activities we do with the kids…we don’t do all these things every weekend nor do we do them all in one weekend. We do try to give them as a relaxing fun-filled weekend that we can. We welcome and are very grateful for the many visitors that come and help play with the kids.下面几张是和孩子们玩游戏时的照片、、、我们不是每星期都有这样的活动,也不是在同一个周末做完的,我们只是尽量想让他们有放松的时间。我们很欢迎也很感恩有这些来到这里的志愿者和孩子们一起玩耍。
Abby kicking back enjoying the shade while eating lunch.一边坐在树荫下乘凉一边吃午饭

Lester and Noah playing pingpong!孙李和晨亮在打乒乓球

Sammy taking a shot trying to knock out Uncle Hobbs while Tyler and Aaron wait their turn. 恩典准备打败叔叔Hobbs,双旭和泰勒在等球。

Sarah excited that she grabbed one of the 3 balls in dodgeball!叶梦佳非常兴奋在玩躲避球时接住了三个球。

OH yeah, I got all 3 balls!!!哦太好了!我接到三个球

The kids watch TV in the afternoon when their homework and chores are done!下午是孩子们看电视的时间,前提作业和家务劳动完成后

Frank playing with our dogs while he waits for his turn to play pingpong!朱雪峰在等待玩球过程中,和狗狗一起玩耍!

The beginning of May was horrible for all of us who have allergy problems. Thankfully Kelly, Dana and Tammy don’t have any problems and they were enjoying the beauty in watching the white cotton fly. 五月份有一个不好的开头,因为大部分的孩子都有过敏的现象。感恩的是佳曦、杨舍和明洁没有任何的问题,她们在享受白白柳絮从空中飘下来的乐趣。

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Bonfires with s’mores are always fun. Left is Chris enjoying the fire while Davey is showing his s’more!篝火和小点心总是很好玩。左边是广振在玩篝火同时金福在让我们看他刚烤的巧克力饼干

Kelly and Michelle skating around the roller skating rink. We don’t come here that often because of the cost of 40 people skating. But it’s nice to bless the kids with surprises!佳曦和笑笑在溜冰场溜旱冰我们不是经常来这里玩,因为一过来的话需要40个人场地。但有时给他们适时惊喜也是不错的祝福哦!

Patch and Davey are in kindergarten and got to go see the local traveling zoo.银行和金福是幼儿园的孩子,他们去了当地的动物园。

Mother’s Day母亲节

The kids made “Mommy” pictures and bought flowers to plant in our yard!孩子们给mommy做了手工贺卡和买了鲜花种植在我们的院子里。


Gail is from the Gongyi Home of Hope. She was one of the first kids to come out and befriend us 9 years ago when we lived there. We built a very good friendship with her over the 3 years we served there. She asked us to say a few words at her wedding this past weekend. It was very moving to see our little sister get married.她是来自巩义希望之家的孩子。九年前我们住在那里时,她是其中一个成为我们的朋友的孩子。在那里居住的三年服侍期间里,我们之间的关系很好。当时她也是我们服侍的对象之一。她让我们在她的婚礼上致辞。看到自己的妹妹结婚时非常感动人的。

Repainting Our Building粉刷房子

We would like to thank everyone who helped us raise the support to paint our building. It looks so nice now:)我们非常感谢捐款及那些帮助我们重新粉刷我们的房子的每一位亲人。现在看起来很棒