Back in China
We would like to thank you all for a great time back in the States. Michelle, the boys and I had a very safe flight back and had no problems at all getting all of our luggage back here to our apartment.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Since our return, it seems like we landed with our feet running. The kindergarten was nice enough to give me (Ben) an extra week off to help me get over my jet lag, which allowed us to be able to travel to Xuzhou (the location of the 2nd HOH) to celebrate Thanksgiving with Bob and Cindy Sayre (administrators to the 2nd HOH) and Nathan and Shannon Bell (administrators to the 1st Home of Hope in Gongyi). We had a wonderful time and were very glad to have had the fellowship between all three couples.

Tyler, Eli and Jaxin (from left to right) enjoying their dinner
The Rent is Paid!
That following Sunday Nathan, David and I left very early to pay the rent for our building in PingYu.
David is one of the first children to come to the 1st HOH almost 10 years ago and has taken the job offer as our translator in PingYu.
The trip went very well, in spite of an extremely heavy fog that we drove through on the way; at one point we could barely see 15 feet in front of us. Usually when it’s even a little foggy, the highways will close. However, Father allowed the gates to stay open and gave us a safe trip there and back home to Gongyi.
Now that we have the keys, David and I will be returning to PingYu next week to set up David’s apartment. He will live on site to watch over the construction workers and to start many of the opening procedures. Unfortunately, I (Ben) still have my visa through the kindergarten for another 2 months, so Michelle and I will be traveling down to PingYu every weekend.
We again want to thank you for your support of our mission; “To save the lost children of China.â€
Please keep us in your thoughts for provision of the rest of the money so we will be able to start buying the needed and required materials to turn our empty apartment building into a home filled with joy and hope.
Posted: December 2nd, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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