School first, then play!
Since the beginning of the school semester, our children have had a little bit of a harder time in school because the schools in the villages are not as advanced as the schools in the city. For example, when our 3 first grade children (Graham, Sarah and Mark picture below) started school in the city, the first day their teacher told us that they did not know their multiplication table (1X1 through 9X9) and needed to catch up with everyone else. All three children came home sad and disappointed because they did not think they were capable of memorizing the table and would fall even farther behind in school.
One of the main benefits of the children coming to the Home of Hope is for them to have a chance of obtaining a great education. Most of the children living in villages have a slim chance of even making through High School and an even slimmer chance of going to a University. We knew that some of the children were going to be behind in their schooling so we hired a tutor right away.
Nicky (above) works part time here tutoring the children.
We are glad to say that after one month of studying, all three children now can recite their multiplication table. They scored a 100% on a test that we gave them to make sure they were not just memorizing the numbers but knew how to multiply them too.
As much as we know how important it is for the children to have a good education, we also know that they need to be able to enjoy their childhood too!

Left-Michelle and Noah. Right- Ben and Gene
So far one of the best things we see that the children love is to have one on one time with Michelle (who they call Mom/ Mommy) or myself (Ben who they call Dad/ Daddy).
Having 12 children (our 3 boys included) the one on one time is great but hard to come by. Usually it starts off with it being 1 on 1……
Michelle and Emma having fun with flowers!
then what was 1 on 1 turns quickly to 1 on 2……
Sarah joining in on Emma and Michelle’s fun!
then what was 1 on 2 turns quickly to 1 on 3……
Graham joining in on Sarah, Emma and Michelle’s fun!
then what was once 1 on 1 turns to 12 ON 1
All 12 children on top of Ben (you can see my arm bottom middle of the pile)
Below are just some other pictures of the children during their play time:

We taught the children how to play hockey and they love it!

Left- starting from the left Gabe, Graham, Jaxin & David. Right- starting from left Jaxin, Philip and Graham taking a break.

It is an absolute joy being apart of these little boys and girls lives. We thank God every day that we can be here, its such a blessing. We also thank Him for your support, without it these children would not be as blessed as they are.
Thank you so very much for being apart of spreading hope and love to our children.
Posted: April 7th, 2010 under Uncategorized.
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