Children in Need
With all the excitement of Christmas about, we were reminded of why we are here when 2 families came asking for our help. First was a 77 year old man and woman who have 2 grandchildren, one 9 year old girl (Hollie-Zhang Guang Hui) and one 5 year old boy (Chris-Zhang Guang Zhen). Hollie and Chris’ father drowned in a lake and their mother ran away.Hollie and Chris with their grandparents.
Hollie (left)is showing us her bed and Chris (right) is showing us his bed that he shares with his grandparents.
Hollie and Chris live in a small broken house, as you can see Hollie playing with a loose brick in the above picture. Also as you can see in the picture below, the grandparents have a few sticks holding up one wall; not a very safe place for children to play.
The 2nd family that contacted us was actually quite a surprise. During our first child search and our first group of children who came in; we met Wendy (Meng Wen Di) and she instantly became everyone’s favorite. Wendy’s father died from a blood disease and her mother ran away.

After 2 weeks of living with us, Wendy could not live without her grandparents and went back home. This was a hard emotion to grasp because we know that it would be better for all of our children to live with their families, but if you know that a family is too poor, old or sick (her grandfather had a stroke) to properly take care of a child, it would be in the best interest of that child to be under our care.

Wendy, Hollie and Chris will be arriving on February the 18th 2011. If your interested in getting more involved and want to sponsor a child please click the Sponsor a Child link and it will explain how.
Thank you
Posted: February 6th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
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