A Walk Around Our Home!
One of the most enjoyable things we like to do on the weekends, is to walk around our property to see what all of our children are doing. The kids have so much pressure from the schools and society to be the best in school, that even on the weekends, their teachers give them enormous amounts of homework. Our children have learned that work comes before play, and they work very hard to complete their homework as soon as they get home; this way they can have the rest of the weekend to play.
We walked around with a camera to show all the many different activities that go on during a typical weekend day.
We start off by watching Jonathan, our new translator, teach tai chi.
While he was teaching tai chi, several of our older children were riding bikes. Left-Debbie gives Ellie a ride. Right- Gabe giving Anna a ride.
Philip and Wendy zoom by with big smiles!
Being too small to ride a bike or be given a ride; Joey has fun with some roller blades.
While some of the children were riding bikes, Graham played with his new car.
At the same time, a few children were playing on our playground.
Tyler (our youngest son) playing on the monkey bars. We are very impressed because at 6 years old he can go from one end and back on the bars without stopping!
While Tyler was monkeying around, Thomas (left) and Jake (right) were enjoying the swings.
While most of our children were enjoying the warm weather, a few of our children were inside watching TV. They are only allowed to watch TV on the weekends for 1 1/2 hours per day.
(Left to right) Lester, Mark, Zoey and our middle son Eli watching TV.
And as we said above, “Work before play.”; Emma (right) and Hollie (left) were in the classroom finishing their homework.
We finished with checking the kitchen and 2 of our housemothers were inside making dinner. We currently have 9 employees; 6 housemothers, 1 cook, 1 teacher and 1 translator.
Rui Xia (left) and Wen Ying (right) are 2 of our housemothers who were filling in for our cook who had the day off.
Each week we give the children a little allowance money to teach them how to be responsible with spending money. They use their allowance money to buy pencil lead, pencils, erasers, rulers and other small items they use for school. They usually have enough to buy some small snacks too.

After dinner we do many different activities too. A lot of the boys love to roller blade as you can see Philip doing.

We also play music for the kids to dance to.
And we have plenty of time to just hang out and bond.
Hollie(11 years old), our eldest child, holding Joey(4 years old) our youngest child.
Debbie (left) and Zoey (right) showing the greatest thing that all the children learn to have and give….LOVE!
Thank you for helping to spread that precious gift into all these wonderful children!
Posted: October 24th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
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