New Wing!!!

Our New Girl’s Wing is finished!!!

The first floor has 3 bedrooms (Room 17, 18 &19) that can fit 7 girls and one housemother.

Room 17 is our younger girls room
(left to right)Becca, Crystal,Emma (back),Dana, Zoey, and Anna

Room 18 is our older girls room.
(left to right)Ellie, Debbie, Abby(front), Wendy(back), Sarah, and Hollie

Room 19 is our staff bedroom. Right now our teacher Lauren is the only one who lives in that room.

We also expanded our dining hall making a safer place to pass out the food to our children as you can see above. We were also able to add a mop washing room under our stairs as you can see in the below picture.

A Guard Room/ Meeting Room was added right next to our gate to welcome in new guests.
Behind the guard room we have a Water Room with our own well water system. This will help our monthly bills now that we dont have to use the more expsensive city water.

Bike Garage for our housemothers.

We did not want our boys to be left out, so we brought the girls old beds over to the new wing and bought new beds for the boys. Aaron (above) and Lester (below right) are quite handy and helped put this bed together.

There is a college in Zhumadian which is one hour away. Matthew from the Gongyi Home of Hope goes there. On some of the weekends that he has free time, he comes to play and give a helping hand…which was very much appreicated.

Every bed I have ever built…including baby cribs, I always climing on them to make sure they will hold my weight. This bed is pretty sturdy but we will be adding a couple more support braces to make them even stronger.
The 2nd floor we added a laundry room for the girls.

We also have 2 more bedrooms that we will finish later when we add more girls to our home. Right now they are being used as extra storage areas.
We thank you so much for reading about our family and spreading love, hope and joy to Pingyu, China. This New Wing has been on our minds and hearts for such a long time and we thank you for helping to makeg our dreams come true.
Posted: November 2nd, 2013 under Uncategorized.
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