Getting ready for Christmas!

Michelle and Sarah preparing the decorations on the left, while Tyler and Abby get the lights on the tree.

Ellie on the left and Tyler on the right.
Robby and Zoey getting their picture taken. This is Robby’s first time celebrating Christmas too!
Patch and Wendy getting bear hugged by Mommy and Daddy!
Emma with Mommy and Abby-girl with Daddy.
Brendan on the left and Graham getting their picture taken. This is Brendan’s first time celebrating Christmas!
Jaxin, proud that he’s taller than his Mommy and Gabe with Daddy who is proud that he is still taller than both of these big boys.
Eddy on the left and Eli, our middle son, on the right.
Davey and Debbie’s turn to hang their ornament!
Catina (aka Minnie Mouse) on the left and Crystal (aka Small Monkey) on the right.
Kelly, our youngest daughter is 8 years old and Hollie, who is our eldest daughter is 16 years old!
Noah and Mark’s turn to smile big with Daddy and Mommy!
Thomas(left) and Chris are best of buds!
Dana and Anna getting their picture taken.
Jake and Joey are our youngest set of twins!
Becca and Aaron are another set of twins we have!
Danny and Sammy taking their turn climbing the ladder!
Gene(left) and Frank’s turn to being bear hugged by Daddy and Mommy!
Tammy and Lester take their turn hanging their ornament!

These are 2 of the 7 housemothers that work very hard to help our family in our daily routine!

Matthew, Shirley (pictured with Michelle) and Hazel (pictured above center) are children we worked with in Gongyi and have come to work for us now that they are out of college. Hazel is currently recovering from a injury that has caused her to be wheelchair bound. She does physical therapy and in this picture she said she wanted to be standing.
Posted: December 19th, 2016 under Uncategorized.
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