November Update å一月
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hope for a better future, hope for a better way, have faith in hope because hope will never fail you. Michelle and I are truly grateful how all of you who help us spread love, peace, joy and HOPE to so many. We hope that you know, that all you do is much appreciated and not in vain.
信是所望之事的实底,是未è§ä¹‹äº‹çš„ç¡®æ®ã€‚盼望有一个更好的未æ¥ï¼Œç›¼æœ›ä»¥ä¸€ç§æ›´å¥½çš„æ–¹å¼ï¼›ç›¸ä¿¡ç›¼æœ›ï¼Œå› 为盼望永远ä¸ä¼šè¾œè´Ÿä½ 。
ç¬‘ç¬‘å’Œæˆ‘è¡·å¿ƒåœ°æ„Ÿè°¢æ‰€æœ‰å¸®åŠ©æˆ‘ä»¬ä¼ æ’爱ã€å’Œå¹³ã€å–œä¹å’Œç›¼æœ›çš„äººä»¬ï¼Œç›¼æœ›ä½ ä»¬çŸ¥é“ä½ ä»¬æ‰€åšçš„一切被纪念的,ä¸æ˜¯å¾’劳的。
Melody (FanGe) is a 16 year old girl who was kicked out of an orphanage in another city. The orphanage heard about our home, and said Melody is a Pingyu person who needs to go back to Pingyu. Melody showed up broken and afraid. Michelle just gave her the biggest hug letting her know she is safe. The civil affairs leader who brought Melody to us hugged Michelle and told her that she has never seen this kind of compassion and love and that Michelle is her hero. We have been shown such favor with the local government here and we hope we can keep building on these relationships.
范æŒä¸€ä¸ª16å²çš„女å©ï¼Œå¥¹æ˜¯ä¸€å平舆的弃婴。原æ¥åœ¨é©»é©¬åº—市ç¦åˆ©é™¢ï¼ŒåŽé©»é©¬åº—å¬è¯´äº†å¹³èˆ†åŽ¿æœ‰è‡ªå·±çš„å¤å„¿é™¢ï¼Œä»–们æ出平舆的å©å需è¦å›žåˆ°è‡ªå·±çš„地方。范æŒä¸Žæˆ‘们当地民政部门的人员刚æ¥åˆ°è¿™é‡Œçš„时候,她是害怕伤心和困惑的 。笑笑拥抱了她,告诉她在这里是一个éžå¸¸å®‰å…¨çš„ã€æ¸©æš–的家。笑笑的在与范æŒçš„接触过程ä¸æ„ŸåŠ¨äº†ï¼Œé€èŒƒæŒæ¥è¿™é‡Œçš„æ°‘æ”¿éƒ¨é—¨çš„å·¥ä½œäººå‘˜ï¼Œå¥¹è¯´ç¬‘ç¬‘æ˜¯å¥¹çš„æ¦œæ ·å’Œå¥³ç¥žã€‚æˆ‘ä»¬å¾—åˆ°äº†å½“åœ°æ”¿åºœçš„æ”¯æŒï¼Œæˆ‘们希望能在这个基础继ç»å»ºç«‹æ›´å¥½çš„åˆä½œå…³ç³»ã€‚Pictured above is Michelle on the floor trying to talk to Melody. The elderly lady pictured, is the woman who originally found Melody as a baby abandoned on the side of the road. Nicky (one of our translators and teachers) is across from Michelle helping talk to Melody. The other woman pictured to Michelle’s right is one of the civil affairs leader.
上é¢çš„图片是笑笑和范æŒå在地上谈è¯ã€‚之å‰çš„照片显示的那ä½å¹´é•¿çš„女士是范æŒçš„“奶奶â€ï¼Œå¥¹æ˜¯åœ¨ä¸€æ¡æ²³æ—边的路上å‘现的范æŒã€‚è‚贞(我们的翻译ä¸çš„å…¶ä¸ä¸€ä½ï¼‰åœ¨ç¬‘笑的å‰è¾¹å¸®åŠ©ç¬‘笑翻译。å¦ä¸€å¼ 照片(å³è¾¹ï¼‰æ˜¯æ°‘政部门的工作人员和笑笑。

The children like to go out roller blading on the weekends. There is a beautiful area they like to go and feed the fish and see the lights at night. We do not let them skate at night but we will take them out for a walk where they can buy small snacks with their allowance money.

ä½ ä»¬å¤§å®¶å¯èƒ½å·²ç»çŸ¥é“我们å³å°†é¢ä¸´ç€æ¬å®¶ï¼Œæˆ‘(Ben)å·²ç»é¢è§äº†æˆ‘ä»¬è¿™é‡Œçš„åŽ¿é•¿å‡ æ¬¡ï¼Œå…±åŒåˆä½œå°½å¿«å–å¾—éžæ”¿åºœç»„织的登记注册。我们雇用了一律师帮助我们进行注册的程åºï¼Œæ‰€éœ€è¦æ料已å‘çœçº§æœ‰å…³éƒ¨é—¨è¿›è¡Œäº†æ交。大概需è¦ä¸€ä¸¤ä¸ªæœˆçš„ç‰å¾…时间,他们有许多的文件ç‰å¾…ç€å®¡æ ¸ã€‚
We are also trying to figure out where we will live in the future with all our children. The first two weeks back from the States, I was literally in daily meetings with either the mayor, the civil affairs or the building department leaders. The mayor told us that he will do whatever it takes to help us get approved and keep helping the Pingyu children.
Unfortunately, without our organization being approved, we cannot continue with our plans to build our new home. This has caused problems with the building department, as our current home is the last home occupied around the lake they want to beautify.
ä¸å¹¸çš„是,如果我们的组织在没有获得批准之å‰ï¼Œæˆ‘ä¸èƒ½ç»§ç»ä¹‹å‰çš„计划建新家。建ç‘部门也通知我们需尽快进行æ¬å®¶ï¼Œæˆ‘们家是这周围最åŽçš„ä¸€æ ‹å»ºç‘。

我的好朋å‹John和我,我们一起准备å‚åŠ ä»Šå¹´11月份的马拉æ¾èµ›ï¼›ä¸€äº›å©å们和我们一起跑æ¥ï¼Œæˆä¸ºæˆ‘们的陪练。有时候和我们一起并肩跑æ¥ï¼Œæœ‰æ—¶ç©¿ç€æºœå†°éž‹ä¸€èµ·ã€‚我éžå¸¸å¼€å¿ƒä»–们å¯ä»¥é™ªæˆ‘们一起è®ç»ƒï¼Œæ¯ä¸€æ¬¡éƒ½ç惜这美好的时光。


Posted: November 8th, 2018 under Uncategorized.
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