February is a month of celebrations!
Michelle and I seem to have huge life changing events happen in February. We started dating in February 1998. We married 2 years later on February 5th, which was on the Chinese New Year this year. We became parents for the first time February 2001. We both received our calling to, “Go to China!” in February 2005. We moved to China February 2007. Then moved to Pingyu to open our Home of Hope in February 2010.
I am so blessed to have such a woman as Michelle, standing hand in hand, right by my side, for the last 21 years of my life. She truly is a Proverbs 31 wife.

Most of the children we help have some sort of family member alive. We welcome them to come once a month to come visit the children and call every Sunday to keep in contact with them too. Most of these family members are not capable to give the proper care and attention on a daily basis that is required to give the children a safe living environment. During the summer and winter holiday, those who have safe homes to go to, go back for a short time to visit those family member(s). We have several children who have no family or do not have safe homes to go to, and as such, stay with us all year around. We try our best to give them a great time, especially during the Chinese New Year, so they don’t feel left out.

Over and over, Pingyu City people like to help out with different things to help our children. If they are not making donations of rice, oil, flour or used clothing, they give cheaper prices when we clothes, food, and other supplies. Some businesses get involved by letting our children go see a movie for free, go swimming for free, attend special art, English, dance and other classes free of charge too. This newly opened Bounce house invited us to come anytime we want for free. The place is a great place to burn energy and have a great time.

Posted: February 10th, 2019 under Uncategorized.
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