Lantern Festival
The Lantern Festival is a mark of the end of the New Year festivities. The lanterns light the path back to work/school/normal schedules. Wally (pictured above) was very excited that his light lasted longer than anyone else’s!

Courtney and Alexi helped out a lot as we have been very busy this year with everything going on. They helped make the tasty cupcakes that were very much appreciated and enjoyed by the kids!

We were able to find a nearby kindergarten that was willing to let Wally attend. Wally just celebrated his 8th birthday (click HERE to see the pictures). Wally has improved greatly since his arrival, but is still a bit slower mentally than most children his age. Thankfully this kindergarten has very good teachers who have big hearts willing to be patient with him.

Michelle and I, along with our 3 sons (Jaxin, Eli and Tyler) are so grateful for all the love you all have shown us over the years. We just made our 3rd trip to HongKong and back while we wait for this very long and drawn out process of getting our organization approved as an NGO (Non Governmental Organization). Thankfully, we have been allowed to continue serving at the orphanage on a daily basis with the children as we work diligently trying to get this approval. Most all of these requirements are from a National level making everything extremely detailed and even more so, time consuming. We thank you for your patience and for lifting us up. We have been reading about so many other organizations just giving up because the process is too difficult and expensive. We have spent close to $10,000 in lawyer fees, traveling fees, and all the documents being authenticated and professionally translated. This does not include the unexpected trips back and forth to Hong Kong every 60days that costs $1,000 per trip for our family of five. Once we get approved, we can switch our visas and not have to make that trip anymore. This process has been quite difficult and once approved, even more so, we trust that HE directs our feet and the paths for us to follow. Until that day comes, we will enjoy the day while we can still call it today and not worry about what happens tomorrow.

Posted: March 12th, 2019 under Uncategorized.
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