Spring Time
Our children taught us a fun game; which is a version of Marco/Polo. One person is blind folded and spins 10 times around, then they yell out stop. Once they yell out stop, no one can move from there spot. The the blind folded person walks around trying to find them; but the fun does not end there. Once you find a person, you then have to guess who it is.

The older boys chased each other all over our yard playing tag. The picture above shows Eddy (Guo Xin) (the boy in red) trying to tag Tyler (our youngest son and pictured in the middle), while Jaxin (our eldest son) starts to run in the opposite direction.
Some of our younger children uprooted some flowers and made their own flower garden. (Left to right going clockwise) Zoey (Meng Yu Qing), Noah (Zhang Chen Liang), Jake (Wang Guo Bao), Jaxin (our eldest son), Gene (Wang Zi Ang), Chris (Zhang Guang Zhen).
Our older girls fixed each others hair. Left to right, Sarah (Ye Meng Jia), Debbie (Guo Qian), Emma (Wang Zi Yi).
Sarah (Ye Meng Jia) wanted to relax by reading a good book.

This is a picture of some land where we want to build our future home at. If you are interested in giving to our Building Funding please go to our Donation link and mark your donation as Building Funding.
Thank you
Posted: March 29th, 2011 under Uncategorized.
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