Our 6th annual VBS summer camp!
This year our camp was held in Gongyi at the 1st location of the Home of Hope orphanages. We separated the children into 3 teams hoping to teach them team work, how to depend on each other, that each child is very important to the team and that each should try their best not only for their own good but for the good of their team. Below you can see the different teams.
Each year we have been very blessed by the older Gongyi children who work very hard as being team captains (see picture above) and counselors. This year we were even more blessed to have a lot of volunteers come and give a helping hand. (See below)
(Back Row left to right) Tony-our translator, Brian- an older Gongyi alumni, John- an older Gongyi college student, Walker- one of our volunteers, Javier- one of our volunteers. (Front row left to right) Shirley- an older Gongyi college student, Tresa- one of our volunteers, Mary- one of our teachers,Janis- one of our Chinese volunteers, Gail- an older Gongyi college student, June- our cook and a Gongyi Alumni, Rena- an older Gongyi college student.

We have been very blessed by The Shirt Shack Inc., they have made and donated all the t-shirts for our camps for the past 5 years!

Every year to go to camp, we rent a bus. Last year we rented a 22 seated bus. This year we needed to use 31 seats. Unfortunately, the bus company did not have anything we could use besides a huge touring bus made to seat 50 people. We all had a very nice ride to and from Gongyi.
Our first day we usually don’t plan anything besides traveling to whichever location the camp is at, separating the kids into teams, but mostly reconnecting with old friends or making new friends.

As we said above we separate everyone into 3 teams. The 1st day we do a lot of activities trying to teach team work and to get the members of each team relying on each other. The pictures below show some of the activities:

We ended the 1st and 2nd nights with watching a movie using our awesome projector that one of our volunteers donated last year.
Our Water Day has been a “MUST” since the first year we held our camp. There is pretty much one rule for the entire day…to get as wet as possible and if you see anyone dry…get them wet too:)

We started the day off with a balloon toss. The winners were Wayne and Matthew who are pictured in the above picture in the bottom right corner. There prize was points for their team and a water balloon popped over their heads!

Joe (Xuzhou) was the last one to get a seat. He won points for his team…and Michelle popped a water balloon over his head:)
This game was very simple. There were 2 buckets before each team; one with water and one empty. The first team to fill the empty bucket with water won, but they had to use a cup with several holes in it to transport the water:)

Again this was a race…and oh yeah, the winning team got the remaining water in the big red buckets dumped on their captains head!

Our third day we tried something new; having a Carnival Day. We gave each child one ticket per station. We told them that they could try one of everything, or they could use all of their tickets at one place. You can see in the pictures below the different activities the children were able to play:

Left-Javier(volunteer) see’s how many kids can pick up marbles using chopsticks in 30 seconds. Right- Janis(volunteer) is a very talented artist, so we put her in charge of the Face Painting station!
Left John (Gongyi) was in charge of bowling, while on the right Walker(volunteer) waits for someone to shoot a basket.
Left-Gail (Gongyi) was working the bucket toss. The kids tried tossing a ping pong ball into 6 buckets. Mary (Yuling/ one of our housemothers) worked the Clown toss station. The kids tried throwing 3 balls into a clowns mouth.
Left Tresa(volunteer) helped fix up hair while on the right Rena (Gongyi) was waiting to capture some silly pictures!
Left-Mary (our teacher) worked the drop a chopstick into a bottle. Right-Shirley(Gongyi) worked the ring toss station.
Michelle and I were very blessed this year with so much extra help, that we were able to just walk around and watch the pure joy of all the children. Everyone was laughing, smiling and have such a great time. On several occasions we saw children skipping with joy going from station to station.
At the end of the third day we had a huge cook out. The kids ate hot dogs, chips, fruit, mixed vegetables and got to wash it all down with a soda. We also had a talent show with singing and dancing. It was a fantastic time. If you are interested in making a donation to help cover some of the camp costs, please click here. If you might be interested in helping volunteer at next years camp, please email me at ben@homeofhope.org
We thank you very much for taking the time to read about our children. We apologies for the length of this update but it was filled with such joy and excitement we just could not express it in words.
Bless you
Posted: August 3rd, 2012 under Uncategorized.
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