Back to School!
September 1st our children started school. They were all very excited to start school after a long summer vacation. This year Gabe, Eddy, Wendy, Debbie and Abby started 5th grade. Hollie, Graham, Sarah, Mark and Emma started 4th grade. Ellie and Zoey are in 3rd grade. Anna, Gene and Lester started 2nd grade. Noah, Crystal, and Frank are in the 1st grade. Thomas, Chris and Danny are in a pre-first grade getting them ready for 1st grade. And Jake and Joey are in their last year of kindergarten.
Michelle home schools our three sons. (left to right) Jaxin is in the 5th grade, Eli is in the 4th grade and Tyler is in the 3rd grade.

Every year for the Mid-Autumn Festival we all sit around a bonfire singing songs and telling stories. We also shoot off some fireworks. Bonfires and shooting off fireworks for the festival is not a Chinese tradition; we decided to make it our family tradition:)
Each child received 2 moon cakes, a big apple, 10 dates, a handful of sunflower seeds, peanuts and some candy.
(Left) Ellie and Hollie along with our teacher Vivian enjoying their time together. (Right) Danny always so full of energy wanting to show how funny he is.
Left Thomas is excited to receive such yummy goodies. Right Wendy getting cozy around the fire.
Eddy (Left) and Gabe(Right) are best buddies.
Michelle and Emma snuggle up next to the camp fire.
We thank you for taking the time to read about our family. We thank you even more for your prayer and financial support. We have received a lot of encouragement from you with our building plans. Please lift us up with the building funds. As you can see below Father has blessed us with over 10% of the funds needed to build our building. If you would like more detailed information about our Building Extension please click HERE. If you would like to make a donation towards the building fund please click HERE and make a note that it is meant to go towards our BUILDING FUND.
Provided byFundraising Ideas Center
Posted: October 1st, 2012 under Uncategorized.
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