(Left to Right) Jaxin (our eldest son) turned 11, Zoey (Meng Yu Qing) turned 9 and Ellie (Feng Zhi Hui) turned 10 years old.If you would like to see more Birthday Party pictures click HERE
School is opened!
(left to right)Thomas, Danny and Chris with their teacher Vivian.

Thomas, Chris and Danny are too old for kindergarten, but too young for 1st grade. We asked a college graduate one time what year was the hardest year in school they experienced. They replied that the 1st grade was the hardest year but the last year in High School is the most stressful. With that in mind, we decided to home school Thomas, Chris and Danny to get them ready for the 1st grade. We know 1st grade is very hard because since our first year here, each one of our children who either went to or goes to 1st grade, has come home in tears on several occasions.
Family Reunion

(left to right) Emma (Wang Zi Yi) and Gene (Wang Zi Ang) with Gene’s twin sister Wang Zi Yue. When we first met Emma and Gene we also met their sister Wang Zi Yue. When their dad died, their uncle wanted to help out, so he adopted Wang Zi Yue. Unfortunately, he did not want to help Emma or Gene; he left them in the care of their elderly grandparents. Each month we invite the children’s grandparents and other family members to come and visit; most of our children have grandparents but they are too old to give our children the proper care needed. From time to time Emma and Gene’s sister will come with their grandfather to visit them.
Hoping to Help

This is Dana (Hu Yang Sai). She is 7 years old and she lives with her older brother and grandmother. Her grandfather works in the south of China. Her father drowned when she was 1 years old and her mother ran away, never to be heard of since. Dana is a special case. The grandmother came asking for help with her older brother because she said Yang Sai was too naughty. We felt that the grandmother had pretty much given up all hopes for Dana. The grandmother told us that Yang Sai has seizures and/or some brain problems. During our interview with Yang Sai she threw a temper tantrum for not getting something she wanted. Her grandmother said, “See look she is having a seizure right now.”
Unfortunately without our building extension, we cannot bring in any more boys, so we cannot help Dana’s brother, but want to help Dana. We started asking the grandmother more questions about Yang Sai’s behavior and after watching her play and interact with some of our other children, we could see that she might be slightly autistic. We brought our conclusion up to the grandmother who, at this point, was willing to receive any advice and help she could get.
After much prayer, we have decided to start training classes for both Dana and her grandmother for one hour everyday. Our hopes are that Yang Sai will improve enough that we can bring her into our home as one of our daughters. Unfortunately, we are not set up for special needs children, so we will take this time with her to see how great or small her needs are. If they prove to be more than our home can handle, we will try to find outside help for her, possibly in a different city.
We hope and pray that through these classes, we will see a bright, kind, and sweet girl shine through!
If you would like more detailed information about our Building Extension please click HERE. If you would like to make a donation towards the building fund please click HERE and make a note that it is meant to go towards our BUILDING FUND.
Thank you for taking the time to read about, pray for and financially support the left behind children of China.