Merry Christmas
We are so blessed to get to celebrate and spread Christmas joy and hope into so many children’s lives. As I write this, I think back to each Christmas, remembering the joy and happiness in all of our children celebrating their first Christmas. More importantly, seeing their joy and understanding for why we celebrate Christmas.
Christmas is full of joy and happiness, but it also costs quite a bit of money to cover all the expenses. To cover the cost of our dinner, presents and staff bonuses will be $3,000.00. This year we want to get the kids another pair of thicker winter long johns, a winter robe, a new set of chopsticks and a spoon, an activity book that helps us explain Christmas, scarves, and a small toy for each child. With all of our children, staff and our staffs plus one, we will have 60 people at our Christmas party. We tried making our Christmas dinner at home before, but now that we have so many kids and staff, it’s too hard to make such a big meal and eat it while it’s still warm, plus it’s nice to give our hard working staff a break from cooking. If you are interested in helping us with our Christmas party please click HERE and make a note that it’s to be used towards Christmas.
Michelle and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We want to thank you for taking the time to read this and for all the love you help spread to our children.
Ben and Michelle
Posted: December 5th, 2014 under Uncategorized.
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