New New New
Our children are getting ready to go back to school! Below are several pictures of which child is in which grade. One thing that we get hit with each year is education costs. Primary and Middle School education is supposed to be free in China, but last year we spent $2500.00 on both food for our middle school aged children and miscellaneous things that the teachers demanded we get. They will make our children buy special books, booklets, and other things that they say they will teach from that do not come with the required books; the teachers do this because they get a kick back from the book stores. This year, we also have another 5 kids going to middle school. They have such crazy schedules that they must eat at school. They average about $1.00 a day each to eat at school…we have 10 middle school kids all together this year.

We never know when our family will expand but have hopes that it will each year. Summer time is the best time for us and the children to adjust to each other before school starts. In the beginning of this summer, when one of our housemothers told us of a grandfather with 4 grandchildren, we were ready to go see how and if we could help. Before we could go out to the village, he showed up at our door with everybody…usually a sign of desperation. His high school aged granddaughter was too old for us to help and also lives at the school. His three year old grandson will stay at home with the grandfather until next year and then he will also be joining our family.
Their dad was a construction worker and just finished their house when at a different job site a wall fell on him killing him. Each child we bring in is truly a special situation…yes they have similarities to other children at our home but we treat each situation with a fresh mind. Their mom is still in the picture and is the one pictured above with the kids. In rural China, most mothers have no voice; actually the children are really not even considered theirs but the husbands. Tammy and Kelly’s mom remarried after a few years of her husbands death to another man in the village whose wife also died. Her husband does not want to adopt the kids because he has 3 of his own. Like most Chinese families, he works in a different city pretty far away, and wants his wife to come work with him but told her she can’t until she finds someone to take her kids. She is very torn because she wants to take care of her children but at the same time needs to be with her husband.
During the summer, the children live with the grandfather with the mom coming over several times a week to check on them. He rents a small room for them all (besides the oldest girl) to live in during the school year so the girls can go to primary school and for him to be close enough to take care of them.

Michelle and I thank you for your continued support in reaching the fatherless and poor and oppressed. We operate 100% on donations from all over the world. We encourage you to get involved either by giving financially, prayerfully or you can also write a pen pal letter to one of these wonderful blessings!
Bless You!
Posted: August 26th, 2015 under Uncategorized.
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