Davey and Zoey putting on their ornament.
Michelle and I with Patch putting on their ornament.

Abby needed an extra boost to put her ornament higher than the boys and Jaxin, our eldest son, putting on his ornament.
Sammy putting up with Michelle’s excitement!

Eddy and Eli, our middle son, putting on their ornament.

Gabe took his turn to put the star up this year and Tyler, our youngest son, was just plain excited to celebrate the holiday!
After we decorated our dining hall, we gave the kids the left over decorations and some small trees for each of their rooms. You can see some of the kids, like Jake (on the left) so happy to have their own tree!

Our Trip Back to the States
(from left to right) Eli, Jaxin and Tyler ran their 1st 5k. It was at a local High School and it was to benefit special needs adults.

One thing Michelle and I love to do and have been very blessed to be able to do on a regular basis when we go back, is to talk at different Primary and High Schools and different churches about Chinese Culture and the work that is happening here. Above we are talking at my sister Hollie’s school that she teaches at. Below we were at Madison Assembly of God with John and Julie Sayre in Huntsville AL.
If you are interested in helping out spread love and joy to our children by a one time donation or by setting up a sponsorship please click HERE!